Thursday, October 29, 2015


We put rubber bands on an orange and it did not really cut in half.  we are still trying to do the watermelon.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015


for math I played cash flow. I got so rich. I did multiplication.

Spanish 10/28/2015

for Spanish I learned  setenta=70 once=11 veinte=20


we got a telescope and it did not work so we are going to get a new one

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

classic book

for classic book I read in the day care when it was nap time. I read JUNIOR'S ADVENTURES.

Math 10-21-15

for math I asked Mary math questions. then Mary asked me math questions.


for physics I watched a video of rubber bands  breaking a watermelon. the rubber bands broke the watermelon and there was over 100.


for Spanish we played bingo. I learned my numbers in Spanish.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015